Required Details
- LDAP address (For e.g.: or IP of the Domain Controller/Global Catalog[GC])
- Port # (For e.g.: 3289 or 389) ?
- Domain Username
- Domain Password
Important Reference: will introduce you to the classes needed for querying Active Directory using Java. Have a look and know more about it.
How to do – Step by Step explaination
For an easy understanding perspective; I will be following line by line approach. ActiveDirectory Class file and example of how to use that program. Downloads of these files you will find below.
Step 1
Compose LDAP address and supply following parameters username, password, ldap address as a domain into ActiveDirectory constructor.
ActiveDirectory activeDirectory = new ActiveDirectory(username, password, domain);
Step 2
Invoke searchUser method with parameters of searchTerm, choice and searchBase.
NamingEnumerationresult = activeDirectory.searchUser(searchTerm, choice, “DC=myjeeva,DC=com”);
Step 3
Now you have your search result in result variable.
How it works?
Part 1
ActiveDirectory constructor-
- It creates properties instance with given values (ldap address, username, password)
- It initializes the Directory Context
- It assign the Search Scope and return attribute names
/*** constructor with parameter for initializing a LDAP context* * @param username a { @link java.lang.String} object - username to establish a LDAP connection* @param password a { @link java.lang.String} object - password to establish a LDAP connection* @param domainController a { @link java.lang.String} object - domain controller name for LDAP connection*/public ActiveDirectory(String username, String password, String domainController) {properties = new Properties();properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "LDAP://" + domainController);properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username + "@" + domainController);properties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);// initializing active directory LDAP connectiontry {dirContext = new InitialDirContext(properties);} catch (NamingException e) {LOG.severe(e.getMessage());}// default domain base for searchdomainBase = getDomainBase(domainController);// initializing search controlssearchCtls = new SearchControls();searchCtls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE);searchCtls.setReturningAttributes(returnAttributes);}
Part 2
searchUser method utilizes the filter method to construct the active directory query.
/*** search the Active directory by username/email id for given search base* * @param searchValue a { @link java.lang.String} object - search value used for AD search for eg. username or email* @param searchBy a { @link java.lang.String} object - scope of search by username or by email id* @param searchBase a { @link java.lang.String} object - search base value for scope tree for eg. DC=myjeeva,DC=com* @return search result a { @link javax.naming.NamingEnumeration} object - active directory search result* @throws NamingException*/public NamingEnumerationsearchUser(String searchValue,String searchBy, String searchBase) throws NamingException {String filter = getFilter(searchValue, searchBy);// For eg.: "DC=myjeeva,DC=com";String base = (null == searchBase) ? domainBase : getDomainBase(searchBase);return, filter, this.searchCtls);}private String getFilter(String searchValue, String searchBy) {String filter = this.baseFilter;if(searchBy.equals("email")) {filter += "(mail=" + searchValue + "))";} else if(searchBy.equals("username")) {filter += "(samaccountname=" + searchValue + "))";}return filter;}
That’s it, you have learned querying active directory using java and you can download artifacts. Try it out yourself with class provided and experiment it.
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